branding through video


When marketing your brand to the masses, content is your most valuable tool. Don’t be fooled into believing that content is simply the text on your blog or website, however. You can convey your brand values and identity through various media, with one of the most powerful being video.

Research shows that 59% of consumers prefer to watch a video than read the content. With those numbers, why would you concentrate only on your blog for distributing information about your company? Beyond that, those who do watch your videos are 72% more likely to take some sort of action, such as buying your products or seeking out your services.

Of course, you can’t just start shooting videos with your phone and tossing them onto your website and YouTube whenever you please. There is an art to branding through video, and that art depends on faithful adherence to your brand standards. In other words, if you aren’t yet certain of your identity, take time to develop this before you begin sharing your videos with the world.

What else do you need to know to reap the benefits of branding through video content marketing? Here are some quick tips:

Be Relevant

Video content will show up in 70% of the top 100 search results on Google. Of course, you can only hope to reach the first pages of Google if you’re providing quality, relevant content, and this applies to your videos, too.

Relevance isn’t just about your products and services, either. You can provide an introduction to your executives, tour your offices, show footage from charity activities, or present slideshows. Relevance is about maintaining your brand strategy throughout each and every video you create and share.

Create Supporting Content

Yes, videos are powerful tools for reaching the buying public, but they can’t do all the work. Statistics show 26% of consumers seek out additional information after viewing videos. Be sure you have answers prepared for any questions your potential buyers may have.

Keeping your brand consistent between your video content and your website content is crucial. If consumers begin the relationship through a video that portrays your company as fun-loving and relaxed, only to land on a staunch and staid website, will they have any idea what your brand is all about?

Be Enjoyable

Whatever your company image, you must find ways to inform and entertain those who view your videos. Even if your brand relies on a professional appearance at all times, your content should still appeal to your audience on as many levels as possible. This is one of the hardest of the steps to master, especially because your brand must remain consistent throughout all content, as mentioned above.

When creating video content, you may want to seek help from a branding expert who can guide you around the potential pitfalls so that your finished product represents you and your products or services while also reaching your target audience.

As you can see, there is a lot more to creating videos for your brand than simply recording the hijinks your office staff gets up to. There is always a time for levity, but your strategy should cover all your bases. If you need assistance developing branded video content, we can help.